INQUA PROJECTS Dear Commission and Committee Leaders, We will invite your Commission/Committee to submit new proposals for scientific projects in 2001. The application forms are found on our web: Here you will also find the guidelines for INQUA projects and a list of the projects that got financial support from INQUA in 2000. Deadline for sending me the new proposals is January 31, 2001. The proposals can be sent to me as attached e-mail files or as hard copy airmails. The decision about grants to the projects will be taken at the next Executive Committee meeting in Poland, March 21-24, 2001. The vice-presidents need to receive the proposals well before that time in order to prepare for their evaluation at the meeting. We will remind you that the INQUA budget is rather limited. In 2000 a total of around 50,000 US$ was allocated to project work. On average around 2,000 US$ were given to each project. With all good wishes from Sylvi Haldorsen INQUA Secretary General Department of Soil and Water Sciences Section of Geology and Water P.O.Box 5028 N-1432 Aas Norway Fax: +4764948211 Phone: +4764948252 e-mail: