Report of the Inter-Congress period 1995-1999
Arnt Bronger and John Catt
1. Overview of Objectives of the Commission on
Paleopedology is regarded as the study of paleosols, which
have in turn been somewhat loosely defined as "soils formed on a landscape
during the geologic past" (Ruhe 1956; Yaalon 1971). We distinguish a) buried
paleosols (fossil soils) from b) non-buried paleosols (relict
or relict paleosols), and c) exhumed paleosols (once buried and subsequently
re-exposed by erosion). According to our membership in both scientific
unions our studies on buried paleosols are more related to INQUA whereas
our studies on non-buried paleosols are more related to IUSS (see Fig.
a) One of the most important uses of buried Quaternary
paleosols has been the paleoclimatic interpretation of the multiple soils
in long loess sequences in various parts of Europe, Central Asia, China,
USA and other regions. Examples have recently (1998) been published from
North Italy (Busacca and Cremaschi), central USA (Markewich et al.) and
East and Central Asia (Bronger et al.) in special paleopedological issues
of Quaternary International and Catena (see below). These
loess-paleosol sequences have provided detailed records of climatic change
for the last 2.6 million years, which are potentially at least as detailed
as the oxygen isotope record obtained from deep oceanic cores. Like the
oceanic cores, they also show a good relationship to the variations of
solar radiation resulting from perturbations of the earth's orbit, the
so-called Milankovitch curves. Paleosols have undoubted importance for
understanding the processes driving natural climatic change, not just in
the Quaternary (glacials, interglacials, interstadials) but throughout
geological time, because the Milankovitch curves have now been identified
in cyclic sediment sequences of many pre-Quaternary periods. The same processes
will undoubtedly control future climatic change, though the more immediate
effects of atmospheric pollutants (greenhouse gases) may be superimposed
on those related to the Milankovitch curves.
The main advantage of the loess-paleosol sequences in
reconstructing past global climate change is that they cover all or much
of the Quaternary period in many different geographical regions. When the
paleosols are adequately dated and sufficiently interpreted, they will
allow geographical variation of past climates to be assessed more reliably
and in more detail than is possible by any other method known at present.
This is one of the tasks of the Commission on Paleopedology of INQUA (Fig.
From: Bronger & Catt, 1998
b) Paleopedology is also important for a proper
understanding of the agrochemical and agroenvironmental behaviour of surface
(non-buried) paleosols, and it plays a vital role in the multidisciplinary
pedological study of soils. We therefore see paleopedology as occupying
an important position in soil science (Fig. 1) with considerable potential
for a major co-ordinating role through a genetic system of soil classification
(Bronger & Catt 1998). This is the main task of paleopedology in the
IUSS especially in Commission V, where we have the status only of a Working
Group (see Report of the business meeting in Berlin in NL-12 and below).
For these areas of responsibility we need first to solve the problerns
of defining paleosols. Considerable progress was made at the Inter-Congress
Symposium in Champaign, IL, USA 1993 especially by the Working Group "Definitions,
used in Paleopedology (Paleopedology Glossary)" run by J.A.Catt. First
results are summarized in Newsletter (NL) 11/2, 35-37 Oct.1995) and in
Quat. Int. Vol.51/52, p.85 (1998), a revised version is published in our
Newsletter (NL) 14 (1997, p.13-14). Some problems may be emphasized briefly
(see also Bronger and Catt, 1998):
1. There is a considerable measure of agreement over what is meant by
a buried paleosol. It is a soil buried by younger sediment sufficiently
thick that any subsequent pedogenesis has not affected its entire thickness
and therefore has not influenced the buried soil. Problems start, however,
with postpedogenic (or diagenetic) changes after burial. A frequent example
is the recalcification of (almost) all paleosols buried by loess deposition.
These causes severe problems for paleosol classification if property based
systems are recommended (see below) although soil micromorphology can
distinguish between primary and secondary calcites. Another difficulty
is caused by the fact that most buried paleosols in loess sequences are
more or less truncated, so it is difficult e.g. to separate Mollisols (Phaeozems,
Chernozems, Kastanozems) from Luvisols. Because of the rapid decrease of
humus content even in buried Holocene Chernozems, e.g. in the Central Loess
Plateau of China (Bronger and Heinkele 1989), it may be even difficult
to distinguish them from Kastanozems using the criterion of colour, as
in the FAO-UNESCO system.
2. Non-buried paleosols (relict soils) do not suffer from these difficulties
but there are even more problems of defining and recognizing them. A non-buried
paleosol shows two or more sets of properties which can be related to different
combinations of soil-forming factors (especially different climates and
vegetation) through sets of often incompatible soil forming processes.
Incompatibility of processes implies two or more environmentally different
periods of soil development.
Non-buried paleosols are also important for a full and correct understanding
of landscape history, which is essential for a proper appreciation of many
modern environmental problems. For example the soil cover of central and
south India consists mainly of Vertisols ("Black soils") and Lixisols (Rhodustalfs
or "Red soils") both of which are non-buried paleosols because they formed
in an earlier period of much moister climate than the present. In the present
distinctly seasonal semi-arid conditions (<1000 mm annual rainfall and
very high potential evapotranspiration) earlier soil- forming processes
such as deep weathering and strong kaolinite formation have almost ceased;
instead secondary carbonate is accumulating in the saprolite (Cr) and lower
parts of the Lixisol Bt horizons (Bronger and Bruhn, 1989), and under arable
agriculture soil erosion is becoming a severe problem. It is widely
accepted that soil erosion can be tolerated from a crop production viewpoint
provided soil formation keeps pace with it to compensate for the losses.
However, in today’s semiarid India the soil development processes have
changed and the rate of compensatory regeneration of soil is in effect
(almost) zero. The erosion there is consequently a permanent loss of the
country's most important natural resources, but it has not been recognized
as such because the soils were not identified as paleosols. The erosion
now occurring in many other countries (Oldeman et al., 1990) is probably
a similar irreplaceable loss of resources inherited from earlier geological
periods. This example emphasizes the importance of paleopedology even for
applied aspects in the Commission V of IUSS, because in the tropics and
subtropics most soils are paleosols.
The delimitation of non-buried paleosols from so-called "modern" soils
is still unsatisfactory. To stimulate further discussion the vetusol concept
of M. Cremaschi (1987) may be re-introduced. A vetusol (vetus, Latin: old)
is a non-buried soil "which underwent the same or very similar processes
of soil formation over a generally long period of time, including at least
some part of the Pleistocene" (op. cit., 234). With this suggestion we
are back to the question of climatic changes of the Quaternary in different
For our paleopedological approach the concept of a pedostratigraphic
unit introduced by R.B. Morrison, chairperson of the WG "Pedostratigraphy",
should be a real challenge for the Paleopedology Commission. His valuable
ideas are recently summarized in Quat. Int., Vols. 51/52 (1998),
p.30-33, 81-82 and are an important contribution towards a (trans) continental
pedostratigraphy which the Paleopedology Commission should develop. The
"fundamental and only unit in pedostratigraphic classification is a geosol”
one or more differentiated pedologic horizons. A geosol “has a consistent
stratigraphic position and is defined at a type locality where the horizons
are buried by younger deposits.... In the North American Stratigraphic
Code (NASC), article 57a states a composite geosol can still be
regarded as a pedostratigraphic unit. It is a polygenetic paleosol, recording
more than one soil-forming episode (R.B.Morrison); it is also termed "welded
paleosol" after Ruhe and Olson (1980; see Olson and Nettleton, 1998).
R.B.Morrison names as an example the "Yarmouth-Sangamon paleosol which
represents about 700 000 yr in Iowa". However, up to a dozen paleosols,
partly as pedocomplexes (see below) and more or less separated by
loess, can be found in this time interval in long loess sequences (up to
65 m) in China or Tadjikistan (Bronger et al. 1998). Therefore the idea
of R.B. Morrison that stratigraphic codes such as that of the NASC "should
recognise pedostratigraphic ranks subordinate to geosol" which he termed
(op.cit. p.31) should be supported.
Morrison also distinguishes compounded (multistory) paleosols defined
as "two or more paleosols separated by small thickness of not soil-sediment
(C horizon)..." (p.31). These compounded paleosols (compounded geosols?)
are described as pedocomplexes, which is the name for a fundamental
pedostratigraphic unit in Central Europe, used for decades in many publications.
Morrison continues with compounded paleosols if "traced laterally, these
pedocomplexes commonly merge into a single composite paleosol". The necessity
to distinguish between composite and compounded paleosol (geosol) might
be questioned; the composite geosol is also "multistory" or polygenetic.
The concept of pedostratigraphic unit was a major point of discussion
in Poster Session P 25 of the PP - Commission (Convenor: J. A. Catt) in
Durban. J.A. Catt (see below) summarizes the discussion about the paleopedology
glossary in the report of the PP Commission workshop on definitions.
Finally Morrison proposed litho-pedostratigraphic complexes "that
exist throughout the world. These comprise stacks of numerous paleosols
... closely spaced ..." (p.31). His conclusion that "the individual paleosols
cannot be reliably differentiated and traced very far; the whole complex
is best treated and mapped as lithostratigraphic unit" (p.31) may be valid
but only in certain areas. Their existence as world-wide litho-pedostratigraphic
complexes shows that in other areas, e.g. in Central Asia and China (see
above), the equivalent units can record the most detailed paleoenvironmental
history (e.g. Bronger et al. 1998, p.l-17).
Even more discussion is needed for the classification of paleosols.
Two proposals were presented in Champaign in 1993; they are now published
together with several other papers presented at the 1993 Inter-Congress
Symposium in Vols. 51/52 of Quaternary International, 1998. Both
proposals are based on properties.
The proposal from P. Buurman is based mainly on the FAO-UNESCO soil
classification system, whereas that of the WG on "Classification of Paleosols"
chaired by W.D. Nettleton recommended the U.S. Soil Taxonomy as a basis.
Both international classification systems do not distinguish, however,
between a soil in situ and a soil sediment (redeposited soil material)
which is essential for stratigraphic, geomorphological and paleoenvironmental
interpretation. Also they do not distinguish between profiles which have
been truncated by erosion or contain discontinuities resulting from erosion
followed by redeposition and renewed pedogenesis. Soil Taxonomy uses present
factors at high taxonomic level, which leads to confusion over the recognition
and paleoclimatic interpretation of relict features, formed in past periods
of different climate.
The literature cited in this chapter could be found in the special paleopedological
issues of Quaternary International Vols. 51/52, 1998, 221 pp. and
34, Nos. 1-2, 207 pp. (see below).
To disseminate the newest results of research and exchange ideas and
concepts the Commission aims to have more meetings in the future. We want
to build up active core group ( as large as possible) of corresponding
members of the Paleopedology Commission.
2. Inter-Congress meetings.
Two business meetings were held between
the 1995 and 1999 INQUA Congresses:
September 1997, the III International Symposium and Field Workshop
on Paleopedology, Rauischholzhausen, Germany, attended by 51; see Newsletter
14, 1997.
July 1998, the IV International Symposium and Field Workshop on Paleopedology,
Lanzhou, China, attended by 48; see Newsletter 15, 1998.
The III International Symposium and Field Workshop on Paleopedology at
Rauischholzhausen, Germany, September 22-28, 1997 was organized jointly
by ISSS Commission V (President V. Targulian) and the INQUA Commission
on Paleopedology (Paleopedology Working Group in ISSS) (President A. Bronger).
It was supported financially by ISSS and the German Research Foundation,
and was attended by 70 participants from 11 countries. There were 10 poster
papers and 36 oral presentations over the three days September 24-26, also
two 1-day pre-conference field tours and a 2-day post-conference excursion.
The local organisers, Peter Felix-Henningsen and Thomas Scholten successfully
brought together pedologists, mineralogists and geologists interested on
the one hand in the effects of past climate change on surface soils and
on the other hand in problems concerned with interpreting past climate
change from buried soils.
The oral presentations were divided into five sessions on (a) polygenetic
concepts of surface (relict) paleosols, (b) recognition, classification
and modelling of soils with relict properties, (c) implications of paleosol
features for agriculture, forestry and the environment, (d) buried paleosols
as a tool for reconstructing and modelling past environmental change, and
(e) archeology and dating of paleosols. Refereed papers will be published
in a special issue of Catena.
The main conclusions arising from the Working Meeting were that (a)
paleopedology can account for many of the features influencing the behaviour
of surface soils, which are not explained by the current soil environment,
and (b) better studies of current pedogenesis are needed to interpret past
climatic change from the long sequences of buried soils preserved in Quaternary
loess and other deposits.
The IV International Symposium and Field Workshop on Paleopedology,
July 27-30, 1998, Lanzhou, China was sponsored and supported by INQUA,
National Natural Science Foundation of China, National Education Commission
of China, China Quaternary Commission, China Soil Science Society, Government
of Gansu Province and Lanzhou University.
The oral presentations were divided into six sessions on:
(a) Genesis of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Soils in relation to environmental
(b) Pedological signals of millennial climatic fluctuations.
(c) Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism of soils - enhancement of magnetic
susceptibility in soils.
(d) Quantification of biotic and abiotic soil / paleosol properties
used as indicators of paleoclimate and geomorphological evolution.
(e) Paleosol identification, classification and horizon nomenclature.
(f) Cenozoic magneto-, bio- and pedostratigraphy and long - term climatic
About 30 participants from China and about 35 participants from 11 foreign
countries discussed the oral and poster presentations summarized in a book
of abstracts. From a paleopedologic point of view the papers dealing with
magnetic properties of loess - paleosol sequences in different parts of
the world and presented in session C were of special importance. The question
whether special kinds of magnetic susceptibility (MS) can be regarded as
a climatic proxy, highlighting the problem of lithogenic versus
pedogenic MS, created a fruitful discussion. The meeting was accompanied
by an extensive field program: a pre-Conference tour (July 17 -26,1998)
from Kashgar to Urumqi, Xinjiang; a one day mid-Conference excursion in
the vicinity of Lanzhou; and a eight-day post-Conference tour from Lanzhou
via the western loess hill country, the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau and
the West Quinling Mountains to Lanzhou. Cliff Ollier and E. Bibus in NL-15
gave reports of this meeting.
A Paleopedology Symposium entitled Records in Soils of Environmental
and Anthropogenic Changes was held at the 16th International Soil Science
Congress, July, Montpellier, France, and was organized by John Catt and
Nicholas Fedoroff on behalf of IUSS Commission V (Soil Genesis, Classification
and Cartography) and Working Group PP (Paleopedology). The symposium was
concerned with the effects of environmental factors on soil properties
and with reconstructing past environments from soil properties. These are
subjects of increasing importance, the first because of the concern that
man increasing influence on global environments is seriously limiting
the capacity of soils to produce food for a rapidly expanding world population,
and the second because knowledge of how environmental changes occurred
in the past is important for predicting future global environmental change.
Oral contributions were complemented by poster session (see report in NL-15),
and both will be published in special issues of Catena and Quaternary
4. Publications
Contributions of Commission meetings have been published
in three volumes:
1.Reviewed manuscripts of the II International Symposium
and Field workshop (Champaign-Urbana, USA, 1993) came out in Quaternary
International, Vol. 51/52 at the end of 1998. Besides 13 full papers
(pp. 87 -221) this contains numerous short papers including propositions
(position statements etc.), essays (free style discussion of a subject
deemed important) and abstracts.
2. Twelve reviewed papers originally presented at a symposium
of the XIV INQUA Congress 1995 in Berlin entitled Reconstruction and
Climatic Implications of Quaternary Paleosol Sequences organized
by the PP-Commission came out in a special issue of Catena in 1998
(vol.34, pp. 1-207).
3. Due to considerable effort of Prof. X-M Fang, thirty-eight
reviewed papers, mainly presented at the IV ISFWP (Lanzhou, China, 1998)
were published in Chinese Science Bulletin in July 1999 (vol.44,
Supplement 1, pp. 1-263). Copies were distributed among participants of
INQUA Congress in Durban.