Dear colleagues, Paleopedology Commission is trying to foster an electronic communications between Commission members. The address of Paleopedology Commission web site is Here you may find information on Commission structure and activities, Commission Newsletters, important announcements, address list of Commission members, free discussions and on-line publications on Paleopedology and links to related sites. You are welcome to join Paleosol discussion table, which is combined mailing list and web board of our Commission. It is devoted to free discussions, exchange of opinions and announcements on all the problems and events in Paleopedology and related issues. You are invited to place here your materials and concerns. Paleosol is unmoderated mailing list/web board, though we are ready to open additional "discussion rooms" for specific problems in paleopedology upon request of Commission members and especially working group leaders. Because Paleosol combines the technology of mailing list and web board, you can get messages to your e-mail box (being subscribed) or view them on the web. Mailing list option. To subscribe by e-mail you need to send a message with the only words: subscribe paleosol <<your e-mail address>> to Please leave the subject line blank. To unsubscribe do the same with the words unsubscribe paleosol <<your e-mail address>> To send a message to paleosol mailing list forward it to (it will automatically appear also on the web board). If you like to know who are the subscribers of paleosol mailing list, send a message to with the only words who paleosols. Web board option. Web address If you like to post your message click the button new messageā and fill the necessary fields. Your message will be automatically sent to all mailing list subscribers. If you like to respond to specific message click the button reply in the very bottom of that message. Your reply will appear as a comment to that message. If you like to respond directly to the author ā click on his e-mail address at the top of the message. Please contact me if you have any content related questions or with your technical problems. We are happy to have you among active participants of paleopedology discussions. Alexander Makeev |