V International Symposium and Field Workshop on Paleopedology (ISFWP) Paleosols and modern soils as stages of continuous soil formation” With post-conference tours Suzdal, 10 - 16 July 2000 Second Announcement and Call for Papers ISFWP is planned as a Symposium within scientific program of the III Congress of Dokuchaev Soil Science Society of Russian Academy of Sciences (see below). The Congress will take place on July 10 - 16 in an ancient city of Suzdal, Vladimir region, 230 km east of Moscow, Russia. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Co-Chairman: Prof. Andrei A. Velichko, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: paleo@glasnet.ru . Tel: (7-095) 238-0298, Fax: (7-095) 959-0033 Co-Chairman: Dr. Alexander O. Makeev, Soil Institute of the Faculty of Soil Science, MSU, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: makeev@fadr.msu.ru. Tel/fax: (7-095) 932-9195 Secretary: Dr. E.Y. Yakimenko, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: paleo@glasnet.ru . Tel: (7-095) 238-0298, Fax: (7-095) 959-0033 Dr. John A. Catt, IACR-Rothamsted, Great Britain, E-mail: j.catt@geog.ucl.ac.uk, Tel: (44 1582)-763-133, Fax: (44 1582)-760-981. Dr. Vitaliy A. Demkin, Insitute of Photosynthesis and Soil Science, Puschino, Russia, E-mail: demkin@issp.serpukhov.su, Tel: (7-096)-773-1775, Prof. Maria I. Dergacheva, Soil Science and Agrochemistry Institute, Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia, E-mail: mid@nsu.ru, Tel: (7-3832)30-1086, Fax: (7-3832) 227652 Dr. Konstantin G. Dlusski, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: paleo@glasnet.ru. Tel: (7-095) 238-0298, Fax: (7-095) 959-0033 Prof. Tatyana D. Morozova, Institute of Geography, Moscow, Russia. E-mail: paleo@glasnet.ru . Tel: (7-095) 238-0298, Fax: (7-095) 959-0033. Dr. Alan Palmer, Soil and Earth Science, Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, E-mail: A.S.Palmer@massey.ac.nz, Tel: (64-6) 356-9099 extn 7746, Fax: (64-6) 350-5632 The symposium will cover a wide area of paleopedological research:
Transportation Participants, who arrive on July 10 and July 11 and send information on their arrival (name of air company, flight number, arrival time) will be met at Sheremetievo Airport) and delivered to Suzdal. On other dates participants themselves will arrange transportation to Suzdal. On July 19 participants will be delivered to Moscow-city or Sheremetievo Airport directly for further departure. Abstracts Contributors are invited to submit their papers electronically as a Word 6.0 for Windows attached file. Please prepare your abstract in English, Times 12 font, single spaced on one page Din A4 including line drawings, tables, references etc., within the format 2cm free space on each margin. For those who have problems with electronic submission, please send your abstract in duplicate within the same format and camera ready. All abstracts must arrive latest by March 01, 2000: Prof. J.A. Catt, IACR-Rothamsted, Harpenden, Herts. AL5 2JQ, United Kingdom, Phone: +44 1582 763 133,Fax: +44 1582 760 981, e-mail: j.catt@geog.ucl.ac.uk From contributors of Europe (except U.K.) and Africa to: Prof. A. Bronger, Department of Geography, University of Kiel, D-24098 Kiel, Germany. Phone: +49 431 880 2952, Fax:+49 431 880 4658 Each oral presentation will be 15 minutes in length. Slide
(5x5 cm) and overhead projector are available.
Participation fee: US$130. This will cover all sessions, abstract volume, program, bag with conference materials, coffee during the breaks, lunch meals during the session days, simultaneous translation during the morning session of the first day, transportation from Sheremetievo International Airport to Suzdal. The participation fee must be paid until May 31
Payment after May 31 is US$ 160. Accommodation: In the tourist center of Suzdal, where the conference will be held, double-bed rooms and single-bed rooms including breakfast are available for about US$ 20-30 per night. Participants who have paid their participation fee will be informed in due time. Mid-Conference tour July 14 - Surface paleosols of Vladimir Opolie (A.O. Makeev) Cost - $50, including bus transportation, excursion guide and lunch package. Post-Conference tour Post- symposium field trip will focus on Paleosols, typical for Central part of Russian Plain of different time intervals Field tour program include 3 one day trips, starting from the hotel in Suzdal: July 17 – Upper and Middle Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence near Kolomna (A.A. Velichko, K.G. Dlusski, V.P. Nechaev) July 18 – Famous Sungir paleolithic site and archaeological exhibition (N.O. Bader) Cost for Post-Conference tour - US$ $150, including bus transportation, excursion guide and lunch package. Notice of intent / Registration form I intend to participate in the Y International Symposium and Field Workshop on Paleopedology in Suzdal, Russia, July 10 (11)-15, 2000 with post-Conference tour (July 16-18) Name:............................................................................................... Institution:.......................................................................................... Postal address:................................................................................... Phone: ...............................................Fax:......................................... E-mail:............................................................................................... I intend to submit a paper entitled:........................................................ I intend to participate in Conference tours: mid-Conference ___, post-Conference___oral ___ poster ___ Date:.................................. Signature:.........................................
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