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Проект Гражданского Образования.
Восточная Программа Проекта Гражданского Образования
Проект Гражданского Образования (CEP) - частная добровольная образовательная
организация,помогающая осуществлению реформы в университетах
Центральной и Восточной Европы и бывшем Советском Союзе.
Проект касается ученых из Восточной Европы и бывшего Советского
Союза, которые проходили курс обучения в Западных университетах
и теперь желают возвратиться к академической должности в
своих странах. CEP помогает Восточным Ученым восстановить отношения с их
прежними университетами и обеспечивает скромную стипендию,
некоторые материалы обучения и доступ к CEP - программам.
Обращаться: Civic Education Project
PO Box 205445 Yale Station
New Haven, CT 06520
Tel: (203) 781-0263
Fax: (203) 781-0265
E-mail: info@cep.yale.edu
Web Site: http://www.cep.yale.edu
Eastern Scholar Program
Civic Education Project
Civic Education Project (CEP) is a private voluntary educational
organization dedicated to assisting reform efforts at universi-
ties in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
The Civic Education Project is now accepting applications for our
Eastern Scholar program for the 1997-98 academic year. The
Eastern Scholar program supports outstanding scholars from East-
ern Europe and the former Soviet Union who have studied at a
Western university and desire to return permanently to an acade-
mic post in their home countries. CEP assists Eastern Scholars
to reestablish relations with their former universities and
provides a modest stipend, some teaching materials, and access to
CEP academic programs and events.
The application deadline is February 1, 1997 To request an
Eastern Scholar application packet, please contact our office:
Civic Education Project
PO Box 205445 Yale Station
New Haven, CT 06520
Tel: (203) 781-0263
Fax: (203) 781-0265
E-mail: info@cep.yale.edu
Web Site: http://www.cep.yale.edu
The attached announcement was received from the CIVILSOC list,
and may be of interest to members of the list. U.S. list members
may want to inform their academic colleagues from CEE/NIS regions
about the program
Note that you can receive more information at the e-mail address
provided at the bottom of the announcement (info@cep.yale.edu).
This is an automated reply address. To request information,
address e-mail to the given e-mail address, leave SUBJECT and
MESSAGE blank, and send the e-mail. You will then receive two
short messages from CEP. The first is a one-page description of
CEP programs and the second is a one-page document regarding the
CEP application form.
Eastern Scholar Program
Civic Education Project
Civic Education Project (CEP) is a private voluntary educational
organization dedicated to assisting reform efforts at universi-
ties in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
The Civic Education Project is now accepting applications for our
Eastern Scholar program for the 1997-98 academic year. The
Eastern Scholar program supports outstanding scholars from East-
ern Europe and the former Soviet Union who have studied at a
Western university and desire to return permanently to an acade-
mic post in their home countries. CEP assists Eastern Scholars
to reestablish relations with their former universities and
provides a modest stipend, some teaching materials, and access to
CEP academic programs and events.
The application deadline is February 1, 1997 To request an
Eastern Scholar application packet, please contact our office:
Civic Education Project
PO Box 205445 Yale Station
New Haven, CT 06520
Tel: (203) 781-0263
Fax: (203) 781-0265
E-mail: info@cep.yale.edu
Web Site: http://www.cep.yale.edu