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Учебн. прогр. по Экономическому Образованию.

    Экономическое Образование и Исследовательский Консорциум 

Целью программы Экономического Образования и Исследовательского  Консорциума
(EERC) ,является создание на базе Киевского Университета учебного 
центра по преподаванию экономических дисциплин на уровне международных стандартов. 
Эта двухлетняя программа предназначенна для подготовки
дипломированных специалистов в области экономики в соответствии с требованиями   
аспирантским курсов в самой Украине или по программ PhD в западных странах.

Первый год обучения посвящен фундаментальным исследованиям в области
макро-и микроэкономики, статистики и эконометрии.
Второй год учебного плана  сосредотачивается на прикладных темах:
общественная экономика, международная экономика, экономика переходного
периода, рынок трудовых ресурсов и других.

Для большего количества информации, пожалуйста обратитесь к Бобу  Кэмпбеллу
Его Е-mail адрес: campbelr@eerc.kiev.ua

           Economic Education and Research Consortium
                       Kiev Mohyla Academy
The  objective of the Economic Education and Research  Consortium
(EERC)  Master's program in economics at the University  of  Kiev
 is  to create a center  for  economics  teaching
meeting  international standards.  It is a two-year  program  de-
signed to prepare its graduates to work effectively as economists
in policymaking positions in Ukraine and/or to apply successfully
to PhD programs in western countries.

Since it is expected that within six years responsibility for the
program will be assumed by the Ukrainian host institution, anoth-
er goal of the program is to recruit, mentor, and certify  domes-
tic teaching staff to take it over.  The program also includes  a
"retention program" designed to improve the chances of  retaining
economists with modern training in academic careers in Ukraine.

The program began operations with the fall semester of 1996, with
three  visiting and three Ukrainian faculty. We expect to  enroll
50  students in the program each year, though the initial  cohort
was  smaller. The language of instruction is English  (or  Ukrai-
nian), and the teaching materials are in English.

The  first-year curriculum focuses on fundamentals  --  full-year
sequences  in microeconomics,  macroeconomics,  statistics/econo-
metrics, and math for economists (the math is taught by Ukrainian
faculty).  The second year of the curriculum focuses  on  applied
topics  -- public economics, international economics,  transition
economics,  labor markets, and others. Throughout, an  effort  is
made  to treat both the core and applied subjects in a  way  that
makes clear their application to the issues of creating a  market
economy in Ukraine. The second year will also include a  research
component for students, with a research seminar, and a thesis  or
other research project.

The  teaching load is two courses. During this year, for each  of
the  core subjects, we are developing schematic  topic  sequences
and  textbook choices which we expect to continue in 1997-98.  We
have laid out similar goals for the second year courses, but with
considerable  latitude for teachers to shape those courses  them-
selves. A computer lab with 12 work stations has been created for
the  use  of  our students, so that course  design  can  envisage
computer-based exercises.

The academic year is divided into five mini-terms of eight  weeks
each,  including  seven weeks of lectures, a  short  reading  and
review  period and a two-day exam period. The terms  are  roughly
Sept/Oct;  Nov/Dec; Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr; and May/Jun.  Classes  meet
three  times  a week, and faculty are also expected  to  organize
various forms of informal help to students--office hours, meeting
small  discussion  groups, etc. Proposals for  participation  may
involve  one or more mini-terms and should indicate the areas  in
which the visitor could teach.

For  more information, please contact Bob Campbell at  the  EERC.
His e-mail address is: campbelr@eerc.kiev.ua