Directions to CCI-San Francisco

We've Moved! We're in the Thoreau Center for Sustainability, part of the Presidio of San Francisco.

We are physically located in Building 1008, off General Kennedy Avenue, which is near the Letterman Hospital. (However, please remember that for US mail purposes, we are at P.O. Box 29912, S.F., CA 94129. Mail sent to General Kennedy Avenue will not reach us.)

Federal Express, UPS and other delivery services should be addressed to us as:
Center for Citizen Initiatives
Building 1008, General Kennedy Avenue, 1st floor
The Presidio of SF
San Francisco, CA 94129

To reach CCI by car: From Lombard Street heading west, stay in the left lane through the Lombard Gate into the Presidio. Take a right onto Presidio blvd., which turns into Lincoln. The Thoreau Center is just ahead on your right.

The Thoreau Center (and CCI) can be reached directly via MUNI bus lines 29-Sunset and 43-Masonic. Several other bus lines will bring you to the Lombard Gate, a 5-minute walk from CCI. Parking is available behind the Thoreau Center; from Lincoln Avenue west of the Letterman Hospital building, take a right on Girard Rd. After a 90-degree turn to the right you'll see the parking lot on your right.

This map should help (please be patient, it's 151K in size):

GIF Map of northwest part of Presidio

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