Center for Citizen Initiatives
Productivity Enhancement Program

Civic-minded Americans are invited... take part in the Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP), which is designed to assist Russia in its strenuous transition to a free market economy.

About the Program

The Productivity Enhancement Program is an intensive training program created to increase Russian domestic production. Russian entrepreneurs are brought to the U.S. for month-long training programs to receive information on management skills, methods of production and new technologies. This is a unique opportunity for fledgling Russian business people to accelerate the process of learning how to function in a free market economy, and to provide them with hands-on experience in all aspects of running their own companies.

Why Civic Clubs?

Why Americans Should Help Russians

Many American citizens may ask why they should care about what happens on the other side of the world, with a country that until recently was our political and ideological enemy. The answer to this question should be obvious.

A decade from now, will we have Russia and the former Soviet republics as productive trading partners in good standing in the world economy? Or will these newly-liberated countries remain stuck in the communist model, with internal turmoil, in constant need of financial assistance, and ready at the drop of a hat (or a coup) to revert back to communism?

America, as the leader of the free world, bears a special responsibility to help the former Soviet republics through this historic transition phase. CCI is providing the framework for thousands of American citizens to assume this responsibility right in their own communities.

Industries Emphasized

PEP concentrates on Russian producers in the following sectors:

About Us

PEP is one of several foreign assistance programs run by the Center for Citizen Initiatives, a non-profit agency devoted to the development and advancement of "agents of change" in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The Center was established in 1983, and has since run education, training, internship and consulting programs with that goal in mind. We are located in San Francisco, but conduct programs throughout the United States.


PEP is a cost-sharing program. Since the U.S. foreign aid budget for Russia has been cut drastically for 1996 and the following years, new cost-effective methods for sharing information and technology between our countries are necessary. PEP's method is: U.S. industries and citizens contribute pro bono training and accommodations, Russian participants pay a percentage of the costs, and the United States Information Agency (USIA) provides funds for general operating costs.

U.S. Congressional Support

The Productivity Enhancement Program has received endorsements not only from President Clinton, but also from key bi-partisan Congressional leaders. Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich of Georgia, and House Minority Leader, Richard Gephardt of Missouri, both convinced their home states to host the first official PEP delegations.

For More Information

If you would like more information on this opportunity, please click here to request some printed information.

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