About CCI's Web Site
- We have created this site with two primary audiences in mind:
- Americans who wish to play a role in the historical changes sweeping Russia and the NIS; and
- Russian-speaking NIS citizens looking for information on our programs or business-development & agricultural guides.
- The Webmaster's goal? No typos, no broken links, and lots of useful information. How are we doing?
- This site was written for Web browsers that support HTML 2.0 specification. Both Netscape
and Microsoft make popular browsers that conform to this specification and handle tables. (Netscape seems to handle Cyrillic font encodings better.)
- This entire site was created on a
Macintosh Performa 578. Russian Pages were developed with MacTranslit software from Mikhail Fridberg at the University of Pittsburgh.
- Many thanks to corporate consultants Bradley P. Robinson and
Nils J.J. Levine
for their donated assistance on HTML questions.
As of September, 1998 this site has been accessed approximately 21,000 times.
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