Phytoplankton Bloom Carbonate System Changes Modeling
The goal of this work is to study the origin and interrelationships of the
different processes affecting the carbonate system transformation during
the bloom. Paticularly the biogenic carbonates formation was described and the
numerical estimates of this process intensity during the
phytoplankton intensive production period were obtained.
The carbon chemical-biological cycle, air-water
exchange and carbonate system transformation were described in the model. A special
iteration scheme was used to describe the carbonate system balancing
after the carbon dioxide consummation took place.
- Fig.1. Model scheme of the matter transformation, where:
- phyto -
phytoplankton, zoo - zooplankton, PO4-phosphates, POP - particulate
organic phosphorus, DOP - dissolved organic phosphorus, TCO2 -
dissolved inorganic carbon, POC - particulate organic carbon, DOC -
dissolved organic carbon. Thick arrows correspond to Michaelis-Menten
- Fig.2. Variability of the model components during the phytoplanktom bloom:
- Biological parameters and phosphorus compounds.
- Fig.3. Variability of the model carbon dioxide components:
- Numerical experiment without CaCO3 precipitation by algaes.
- Fig.4. Variability of the model carbon dioxide components:
- Numerical experiment with assuming CaCO3 precipitation by algaes.
On the base of
modeling it was shown that the amount of potentially precipitated during
the bloom period CaCO3 should be up to 20 mM l-1. The changes of
carbon alkalinity can reach 0.030 mg-eq l-1. The differences of carbonate
system parameters behavior including CaCO3 formation is significant
enough to be measured during the field investigations of the standard
carbonate system parameters with the modern technique accuracy.
The detailed description of this model is in:
- Yakushev, E.V., 1996, Modeling of the carbonate system balance changes
connected with phytoplankton bloom. Marine Chemistry. (Submitted to Publication).
- The text is available here. Thank you for your interest.