The euphoria created by the political change in the countries of central and eastern Europe has given way to a more sober appreciation of the serious economic and social problems facing these countries. The transition to a market oriented economy is now recognized as a very complex process and one which will be far more protracted than originally envisaged.
Agricultural policy must be a cornerstone of the process of the transition. This calls for a clear recognition that agricultural and rural development problems transcend national boundaries and research networks have become an increasingly important means of an effective institutional framework for inter-country cooperation. This also calls for a new definition of the role of institutions and academics engaged in agricultural policy research and in their role in advice to Governments.
The purpose of establishing the Network among national research institutions, universities and people interested in agricultural policy research and analysis is to promote voluntary exchange of information, material and experimental data in selected subject-matter fields, as well as to carry out jointly specific activities, such as research, training, seminars, workshops, exchange of personnel, to address mutually selected topics and common development problems.
Objectives of the Agricultural Policy research and analysis network are:
- - to collect information on, to review and analyze agricultural and rural policies implemented in the subregion, with particular aim to supply policy makers with a range of policy options from which to choose;
- - to develop an enduring institutional capacity in the region for policy analysis linked to decision making;
- - to provide an accurate record of important developments in policy changes affecting agri-food system,so that knowledge of the policy and implementation processes will be available for current and future analysis;
- - to make the growing policy information available contemporaneously to policy makers in each of the countries in the region so that successful experience can be evaluated and perhaps emulated;
- - to aid government, business and farm leaders in identifying and implementing viable market-based policy options and support to private enterprise.
The evolving process of economic transformation that the CEE subregion is facing at present, and in view of the particular research and development needs of the countries of the sub-region, the participation in the network is open to institutions, both official and private, that are actively working in the field of agricultural/economic policy research and analysis, policy makers and implementing individuals, and the users of policy research. The participation may be extended to other countries in other regions. Any country wishing to participate in the network should notify the FAO Regional Representative, or contact the Network Secretariat directly, nominating an individual as National Focal Point (NFP) for the network. The NFP should work on and exercise a leadership role in specific subject-matter areas covered by the Network, and make an effective scientific contribution to the Network activities. The NFPs should be responsible for coordinating these activities in the country, liaising with the relevant institutes and universities. The participating institutions should decide on the conditions of their cooperation, in view of the special subject-matter or working group selected.
The participation in the Network activities can be enriched by the experience and cooperation with international organizations.
The activities of the Network will consist of:
- - collaborative research projects on well defined topics and problems of the economic transformation;
- - meetings and seminars of working groups carrying out joint activities regarding specific aspects of policy issues;
- - exchange of ideas on current and emerging policy issues;
- - network consultations which will serve as a forum for eliciting comments on issues, proposals, or papers that any member of the network may present, in particular, in response to requests presented by governments;
- - preparation and verification of guidelines aimed at the methodological presentation of various steps of transition to market economy and their impact on agricultural sector;
- - exchange of documentation on policy issues and case studies;
- - development of an " abstracting" service to facilitate the identification of useful material on selected topics and help justify decisions on the part of CEE countries to acquire it;
- - undertaking through mutual agreement other cooperative activities such as training courses, study tours and exchange of material or experts;
- - organizing regular meetings aimed at direct exchange of experience among members;
- - issuing a bulletin presenting the major results of the activities undertaken by the Network.
Findings and recommendations of the working groups established by the NAP will be brought to the attention to the Governments of countries of the sub-region directly or through FAO or UN ECE statutory bodies.
The Network Secretariat (NS) is chosen by all the network members for a renewable period of four years and will have the following tasks:
- ) be the coordination and management entity for the Network;
- ) maintain documentation on research and development activities in the region;
- ) in cooperation with NFPs organize collaborative activities, approved by the cooperating countries;
- ) disseminate information by means of a bulletin or newsletter;
- ) organize meetings, workshops, consultations, etc. at which progress and proposals for future work programmes will be examined;
- ) solicit papers; ensure quality, appropriateness and timely delivery of papers; summarizes and synthesizes the findings and recommendations of meetings/workshops.
- ) prepare, once a year, a progress report for general distribution to members;
- ) maintain liaison with other regional, non-governmental and international organizations concerned with policy analysis research and information.
The Secretariat will be expected to collaborate with both Executive Committee and with the NFPs in convening workshops, technical meetings, and in organizing the Network Executive Committee meeting, every year, to examine progress achieved, proposals for future activities and means for expansion and improvement of cooperation.
The Executive Committee, shall have general responsibility for the direction and operation of the Network but shall seek the advice of the membership on all pertinent matters. The Committee will hold an Annual meeting to review the progress achieved, problems encountered and future programme of activities. The Executive Committee Annual meetings will be held in connection with workshops or technical meetings preferably in rotation in one of the NFP's centres. The Committee will regularly prepare and submit to FAO a short report on the status and planned activities of the Network.
The Executive Committee will consist of eight members of the Network as follows:
- -two representing academic institutions of the CEE region;
- -two representing governmental and non-governmental institutions of the CEE region;
- -two representing researchers outside the CEE region;
- -two representing International organizations.
No country of the region can have more than one representative on the Executive Committee. The majority of the members of the Executive Committee must be from the CEE region.
The Executive Committee will include the following three officers:
- A Chairperson, who will be elected for a two-year term by the members of the Executive Committee, once constituted. The term of the office shall be renewable for the same period after which it shall not be renewable. The Chairperson will be responsible for the general affairs of the Network. The Chairperson will call meetings of the Executive Committee, the annual meeting of all membership, and any other meeting as needed. He/she will be generally responsible for the financial affairs and accounts of the Network, will conduct the elections of new members to the Executive Committee, and will ensure the timely appointment of the members representing governments. In the absence from any meeting of the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson, the Executive Committee shall appoint one of its Members to take the chair.
- A Vice-Chairperson The Executive Committee shall elect a Vice-Chairperson from among the representatives of its Members who shall remain in office until the election of a new Chairman and new Vice-Chairman at the first session in each biennium. The Vice-Chairman's term of office shall in any event terminate at the end of the Committee's term of office. If the Vice-Chairperson is prevented from exercising his functions for the remainder of his term of office, due to resignation, disability, or any other reason, the Committee shall elect a new Vice-Chairperson from among the representatives of its Members for the remainder of the Vice-Chairperson's term of office. The Vice-Chairman shall, in absence of the Chairman, preside at all Executive Committee Meetings and exercise other functions as may me required to facilitate the Committee's work.
- A Secretary, will be appointed by the Chairperson and chosen from within the Executive Committee. The Secretary will keep a record of all proceedings and meetings of the Network, including Executive Committee, Annual Meetings, and special meetings. The minutes of the Annual Meeting will be mailed to the members after each meeting.
The specific duties of the Executive Committee are to:
- - Draft and keep under review a Programme of Work of the Network, plan future meetings, conferences, workshops, task forces, research projects, exchange of experts, and other joint technical and scientific activities of the Network. The Program of Work should expand over 2-3 years period.
- - Submit for approval the Program of Work to its members during the Annual General meeting of the Network membership.
- - Exercise the financial accounts of the Network and to arrange for the outline budget and financial statement to be presented at the Annual Meeting of the Network membership.
- - Initiate and authorize the use of reserve funds or Special Funds/Trusts established through voluntary contributions or donations.
- - Consider and make recommendations to the Network membership on amendments of the General Rules of the Network.
- - Enter into agreements of cooperation with other international organizations.
- - Ensure, through the delegation of appropriate responsibilities, the timely organization of the meetings, workshops, and other Network activities.
- - Recommend items for insertion in the agenda of any session of the Network meeting, coordinate all preparatory work for Annual Meetings.
The Executive Committee may also establish ad hoc programme, finance, fund raising, or any other standing committee as appropriate.
National focal points will be an important link between the national institutions, Government Policy decision makers, and the Network. NFPs will have the responsibility of promoting the Network objectives, both in terms of expanding its membership and in the establishment of contacts with Policy makers to provide a support of Network activities including donations, funds or assistance in kind. NFPs must have strong direct interest in Network's activities and willingness to provide voluntary contribution to the implementation of its work.
Working groups or consultations will be established to study selected topics over a limited and well defined time span. It is necessary that a minimum of three institutions or universities of three different countries are willing to participate in the working group activities.
The results will be reported to the Network Secretariat.
The Meeting of the membership of the Network will be held annually. The duration of the meeting will be three days. The meeting will be chaired by the Chairperson of the Executive Committee. The Meetings will concentrate on:
- ) Well defined single topics of interest to the majority of the members. This may represent a policy issue, a research field or research methodology. The topic will be selected in advance by the EC in agreement with the interests of the majority of members;
- ) invited papers/observers;
- ) working groups reports;
- ) Reporting on research results.
Agenda of a meeting will also include open discussion and drafting of conclusions and recommendations.
Participation is open to the following Institutions and individuals from:
- - Universities
- - Research institutes
- - Government agencies
- - any other institute working in agricultural policy research and analysis
- - international organizations
- - NGOs actively involved in agricultural policy research.
All members will be invited to promote the objectives of the Network including the mobilization of financial resources.
Two successive absence from Annual Meeting will cease the membership.
The semi-annual Newsletter will inform members about:
- - forthcoming meetings, conferences, workshops;
- - current research activities of members;
- - list of publications;
- - abstracts;
- - analytical review of emerging theorical issues and members' opinion on scientific subjects;
- - invited scientific articles;
- - other relevant information of interest to policy research and analysis.
Newsletter will also maintain and publish the updated membership list giving the address, telephone/telefax number and the Electronic Mail address. In view of the rapidly declining costs of the E-mail this could become a vehicle of the Newsletter distribution.
The decision regarding the Newsletter editorial functions should be made during the first Network meeting. This function could be carried out either by a member or by the Network Secretariat.
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