Subject matter topics may include the following:
Macro-economic Environment of the transition
- Macro economic environment at country level;
- Socio-economic consequences of transition to market economy;
- Policies to promote environmentally sound production methods; conservation and protection of natural resources;
- Factor market policies;
- Food policy; supply/demand; consumption patterns;
- Food regulation; food production standards;
- Periodic evaluation of the process of transition, implications of privatization - macro and micro - case by case as well as aggregate.
Privatization and Restructuring of Agriculture and the Rural Sector
- Distribution and ownership allocation of farmland and production assets of former cooperative and state farms;
- Definition of property rights on land and use of other resources; legal instruments and development of institutions;
- Land tenure systems, including tenancy;
- Farmland registration systems, including LIS;
- Cadastral institutions; policy assumption and implementation;
- Economic effects of change in land tenure; present situation forecast trends;
- The sequencing of privatization activities and the definition of categories of public enterprises requiring different treatment;
- The role of privatization in evolving of market economy;
- Reform of the cooperatives system.
Price policies, Credit policies, Debt
- Farm price policy and reduction of agricultural subsidies;
- Sources of financing farm capital needs; internal financing; external financing;
- Credit; consumer credit; production credit; credit agencies;
- Problems related to extension of short-term production credits; medium-term and long-term credits; investment and credit policies: demand and supply; economics, institutions; agricultural debt restructuring; mortgage systems;
- Bankruptcy legislation;
- Credit and technological change;
- Policies to encourage the diversification of farm household investment;
- Government investment in infrastructure (roads, irrigation, ports and marketing facilities);
- Taxation: (land tax, agricultural income taxes, indirect taxes, labour taxes);
Agricultural Production and Food Processing Systems
- Farm management under market conditions;
- Rural infrastructure and institutions adapted to needs of emerging private farm sector;
- Enhancement of competitiveness in production and marketing;
- Storage losses; losses in processing;
- The effects of new technologies on expansion of production and mobilization of unutilized or underutilized resources;
- Training to improve farmers' decision-making abilities.
Domestic and Export Markets Development
- Markets and trade;
- Marketing systems; improvement of marketing efficiency;
- Marketing and transportation;
- Commodity marketing Boards (Agencies);
- Regional/sub-regional trade linkages.
Role of Governments in the Food Economy
- Organization, execution and financing of human capital development, (education and training institutional infrastructure, product quality programmes for agriculture);
- Social welfare implications of reforms for farm households;
- Policies aimed at development of basic rural infrastructure and of non-agricultural activities in order to enhance regional economic potential and making it possible for the rural economy to absorb some of the resources withdrawn from agricultural production;
- Government expenditure on agricultural research, education and extension service.
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