International Ag-Sieve
Volume II, Number 6, 1989 (Biodiversity)
"what were once considered separate issues- cultural survival, agricultural stability and diversity, and wildlands preservation- now seem to be tightly intertwined. let us keep these three strands wrapped together in a rope that we can climb to rise above the currents of extinction. let us weave that rope into nets by which we can rescue the cultural, natural, and agricultural resources that are threatened by the floods below."
Dr. Gary Nabhan, Enduring Seeds
A Popular Multipurpose Green Manure from Tanzania
A Root for the Fuel Problem
Controling Bilharzia with Berries
Organizations in Underexploited Crops
Quinoa: a promising grain from South Africa
Tied Ridge/Legume Combination Boosts Yields in Burkina Faso
Volume V, Number 4, 1993 (Seed Saving and Biodiversity)
Conserving Native Seeds and Culture
Seedless Somalia Taps Emergency Cache
Farmers Try the New But Trust the Old
Survival of Freshwater Diversity
Seed and Germplasm Conservation Resources
Somewhere over the Genetic Rainbow
Indigenous Forest Management and Diversity
Book Review