International Ag-Sieve
Soil Amendments
Volume II, Number 2, 1989
"what we are looking for are local fertilizers that farmers could go down the road and mine with their pick and shovel"
Ward Chesworth, University of Guelph, Canada
Composting Rock Phosphate
No-Till & Rock Phosphate in the Amazon
Phosphorus-Efficient Beans
Fungus Dissolves Insoluble Phosphates
Fertilizing With Rocks
Brazilian Cows Help Farmers Discover Lablab Bean
Andean Farmers Can Eat Vegetables Year-Round
IPM for Sweet Potato Weevil
New Bio-Control for Cutworm
Commercial Neem Insecticide
West African Agriculture
Volume VI, Number 3, 1990 (Legumes/Green Manures)
Plant Protection Using Compost Extracts
Composting Destroys Fungal Pathogens
Two Legumes With High Potential as Green Manures
10 Sources of Legume Seed and Information
Legumes Transfer N to Other Crops
Legume Green Manures: a Potential Substitute for Fertilizer in Maize
Volume III, Number 4, 1990 (Composting)
Plant Protection Using Compost Extracts
Composting Destroys Fungal Pathogens
US Trends in Composting Technology
Composting Gains Acceptance Among Senegalese Farmers
Composted Poultry Manure Boosts Plantain Yields and Nematode Resistance
Editor's Choice: 4 of the Best Books on Composting & Soil Improvement
Resource Contacts Offering Technical Assistance and/or Training in Composting
Volume V, Number 5, 1993 (Soil and Soil Amendments)
Two Legumes Unbind Phosphate
Amshot for Sline Soils
Shade Stimulates Pasture Growth
Tree Fallows in Togo
Crop Residue Management
Azolla Exchange
Book Review
Volume VII, Number 1 (Vermiculture)
Cuba's Composting
Editorial: Subterranean Livestock
Vermiculture in India
Earthworms and Plant Growth
Incorporating Earthworms
VOCA and Vermiculture
Resources and Events