NFTA is a non-profit organization that encourages more and better use of nitrogen fixing trees (NFTs) to benefit people, especially small farmers in the developing tropics. Many soils are nitrogen deficient, and many farmers cannot afford to purchase fertilizer. NFTs obtain nitrogen through symbiotic colonies of bacteria that transform nitrogen from the air into a form usable by the tree. As a result NFTS can often thrive in poor soils. They provide renewable sources of firewood, fodder, green manure for other crops, timber, erosion control and other products and services. Very often they are among the fastest growing tree species.
NFTA has 3 programs which serve its associates:
Research: Besides conducting its own research, NFTA assists the research of others through the Cooperative Planting Program (CPP) and other activities. The CPP helps people plant trials to determine which NFT species are appropriate for their areaÕs environment and peopleÕs needs. They can provide help in selecting species, seeds, and planting, management, and analysis guidelines. A database provides quick access to information on the range, ecology and uses of NFTs.
Development: The goal of this program is to help people design and manage better agroforestry projects. The program includes training, grants of $300 to support small scale projects such as nurseries and demonstration areas, and on-site technical assistance by staff members or NFTA associates.
Publications: Associates annually receive the following publications:
Other publications, such as field manuals and workshop proceedings, are available at reduced prices. Annual fees are $15 for citizens of industrialized countries and $5 for others. Over 1,300 Associates in over 100 countries are benefiting from and contributing to NFTA. To join them contact:
Dr. J. L. Brewbaker
P.O. Box 680
Waimanalo, HI 96796, USA.