Experiences in Ethnoveterinary Medicine

Center for Indigenous Knowledge for
Agricultural and Rural Development (CIKARD)
In an attempt to identify and promote indigenous knowledge on preventive and theraputic veterinary practices CIKARD is seeking to open a dialogue with persons who have experience in this area. Indigenous knowledge is local knowledgeÑ knowledge which is unique to a given culture or society. It is the basis for agriculture, health care, food preparation, education, environmental conservation and a host of other activities. It is built upon and passed down from generation to generation, usually by word of mouth.

Scientists are trying to preserve the worldÕs rich plant genetic diversity in Ògene banks.Ó It is important to do the same for the worldÕs indigenous knowledge base before it is lost forever. CIKARD concentrates on four areas: indigenous innovations, knowledge systems (such as social taxonomies), decision-making systems (such as what crops to grow on certain soils) and organizational structures (such as farmersÕ groups).

The Center has four functions:

  • Acting as a clearinghouse for collecting, documenting and disseminating information on indigenous agricultural and rural development knowledge.
  • Developing methodologies for identifying and documenting this knowledge.
  • Conducting training courses and designing materials on indigenous knowledge for extension workers and other host country nationals.
  • Facilitating cross-disciplinary research on indigenous knowledge.

    The center focuses on preserving and promoting the knowledge of farmers and rural people around the globe. As an early effort inthis area, the Center would like to publish scholarly papers on and references to ethnoveterinary medicine. Its goal is to collect indigenous knowledge and make it available to development professionals and scientists.

    CIKARD invites contributions of documents on indigenous knowledge for access, storage and dissemination. The Center will publish periodic bibliographies listing thses materials. Please send any of your experiences with indigenous veterinary practices to:

    Dr. Mathias-Mundy
    318 Curtis Hall
    Iowa State Univeristy
    Ames, Iowa 50011 USA