Sustainable Agriculture Index--1990 Update

In Volume II(3) of this newsletter, we provided our readers with an index of the 50 best periodicals around the world which focus on some aspect of sustainable agriculture. That turned out to be our most popular issue of the year. In the 12 months that have gone by, many readers have brought other publications to our attention, and we have discovered some new ones. We prefer to avoid attempting to rank these. Some are highly technical, others do an excellent job of presenting issues and policy. As with any cropping system, so it should be with information about sustainable farming: the strength and resilience comes from the diversity. For those of you who joined our Network this year, we have included a copy of the first Index. Together, these listings cover more than 80 popular and scientific periodicals being published in 17 countries. If we missed anyone, or if you have lost track of your copy of Volume II(3), just send a note and we will be happy to provide another (while the supply lasts!).


Abstracts on Sustainable Agriculture

Publisher: Wageningen Agricultural University Dept. of Ecological Agriculture Haarweg 333, NL-6709 RZ Wageningen, The Netherlands
Editor: Cees van Veluw
Regional Focus: Worldwide
Purpose: ABSTRECO is a current bibliography describing journal articles, books and other publications relevant to the field of sustainable agriculture. Abstract coverage derives from both alternative and conventional sources. It is a selection from the documentary input into the Wageningen bibliographic database (AGRALIN). The documentation network of AGRALIN consists of university departments and research institutes in The Netherlands.
Frequency: 8 times/year
Price: Individuals- Dfl. 40. Institutions- Dfl. 80.

Acres Australia

Publisher: Acres Australia Pty. Ltd P.O. Box 314 Hindmarsh South Australia 50077
Editor: Sabina Douglas-Hill
Regional Focus: Australia
Purpose: Successful sustainable agriculture efforts in Australia and the Pacific region.
Frequency: Quarterly
Price: Not listed
ISSN: 1030-8857

Agroecologia Neotropical

Publisher: Institute for the Development of Agricultural Alternatives c/o Guild House 803 Monroe Ann Arbor, MI 48109 USA
Editor: John Vandermeer
Regional Focus: Neotropical zones
Purpose: Agroecolog’a Neotropical is a new journal devoted to publication of original research in the general field of the ecology of agroecosystems.
Frequency: Semi-annual
Price: US $10/year individual $20/year institutions.
Language: Spanish with English abstracts


Publisher: University of Arizona, Desert Legume Program P.O. Box 3607 College Station Tucson, AZ 85722 USA
Editor: Edmund J. Weber
Regional Focus: Southwestern USA, Mexico
Purpose: Collection and study of arid-zone legumes
Frequency: Quarterly
Price: Free

Biocontrol News and Information

Publisher: C.A.B. International Info. Services Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE, UK
Editor: D. J. Griling
Regional Focus: Worldwide
Purpose: A journal of news items, review articles and abstracts from the CAB ABSTRACTS database prepared by the International Institute of Biological Control
Price: Not listed

BNF Bulletin

Publisher: Nitrogen Fixation in Tropical Agricultural Legumes (NifTAL) P.O. Box O Paia, HI 96779 USA
Editor: Dr. Ben Bohlool
Regional Focus: Tropical zones
Purpose: Technical information, training resources and research updates on biological nitrogen fixation by tropical legumes.
Frequency: Quarterly
Price: Free


Publisher: B.O.S. Foundation P.O. Box 23, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
Editor: Peter Sips
Regional Focus: Worldwide
Purpose: The BOS NiEuWSLETTER is a bulletin of the Foundation for Dutch Forestry Development Cooperation.
Objectives are:
  • to promote & improve the quality of the work and cooperation of Dutch tropical foresters in developing countries.

  • to exchange information between tropical foresters, institutes on forestry development in the tropics and other parties concerned.

  • to increase public awareness of the importance of tropical forests.

  • Price: Dfl. 25. students Dfl. 50. others Dfl. 60 outside Europe Dfl. 100 organizations ISSN: 0923-7488


    Publisher: Asian Vegetable Research & Development Center (AVRDC) P.O. Box 42 Shanhua, Tainan 74199 Taiwan, China
    Editor: Not listed
    Regional Focus: Asia
    Purpose: Reports on research at AVRDC and in the field in Asia
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: Free ISSN: 0258-3070

    Common Sense Pest Control Quaterly

    Publisher: Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC) P.O. Box 7414 Berkeley, CA 94707 USA
    Editors: Sheila Daar, Helga & William Olkowski
    Regional Focus: North America and China
    Purpose: "to provide practical information on least-toxic methods for managing pests, based on the principles of integrated pest management." Note: BIRC also publishes the bi-monthly IPM Practitioner.
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: US $30/year ISSN: 8756-7881

    Drought Network News

    Publisher: International Drought Information Center 241 L.W. Chase Hall University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln, NE 68583-0728 USA
    Editor: Deborah A. Wood
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: "drought network news encourages readers to submit information on current episodes of drought and its impacts; timely reports of response, mitigation and planning actions of governments and international agencies (successes and failures); recent research results and new technologies that may advance the science of drought planning; recent publications, conference reports, meetings; and editorials."
    Frequency: 3 times/year
    Price: Free


    Publisher: Food and Agricultural Research Management 22 Gilbert St. London W1Y 1RJ ENGLAND
    Editor: David Campbell
    Regional Focus: Eastern Africa
    Purpose: Quarterly reports on several ongoing, improved livestock-managenent projects in Ethiopia, northern Kenya, and Tanzania.
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: by donation

    Farm Forestry News

    Publisher: F/Fred Project Winrock International 1611 N. Kent St., Suite 600 Arlington, VA 22209 USA
    Editor: Norma Adams
    Regional Focus: Asia
    Purpose: Agroforestry information exchange and project updates.
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: Free

    Food Matters Worldwide

    Publisher: FarmersÕ World Network Arthur Rank Centre National Agricultural Centre Stoneleigh, Warwickshire CV8 2LZ ENGLAND
    Editor: Adrian Friggens
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: Food Matters Worldwide aims to widen the debate on the future of farming and food production.
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: £7.50 individual £10.00 organization

    Forest Genetic Resources

    Publisher: UNFAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, ITALY
    Editor: Christel Palmberg
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: Compilation of papers, research reports and workshop proceedings in the general realm of tropical forestry.
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: Free

    FTPP Newsletter

    Publisher: Forests, Trees and People Program, IDRC, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, S-75007, Uppsala, SWEDEN
    Editor: Daphne Thuvesson
    Regional Focus: Tropical regions
    Purpose: "ftpp newsletter forms part of the networking activities carried out by ftpp program in an effort to spread knowledge about improved methods of planning and implementing community forestry activities."
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: Free. ISSN: 1100-584X

    Global Pesticide Monitor

    Publisher: Pesticide Action Network (PAN), 965 Mission Street, #514, San Francisco, CA 94103 USA
    Editor: Robert Ambrose
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Topic focus: Pesticide policy, alternative pest control resources.
    Purpose: "pan is an international coalition of citizenÕs groups and individuals who oppose the unnecessary use and misuse of pesticides and support reliance on safe, sustainable pest control methods."
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: $25/year individual, $50/year libraries, ISSN: 1045-9480


    Publisher: International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 3 Endsleigh St., London WC1H ODD England, Editor: Camilla Toulmin, et al
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: Information exchange, program and project news and updates on sustainable land use in dryland regions.
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: US $30

    Heifer Project Exchange

    Publisher: Heifer Project International, P.O. Box 808, Little Rock, AR 72203 USA
    Editor: Dr. James Devries
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: Appropriate livestock technology for the developing world. Livestock management, low-cost veterinary techniques and appropriate livestock technology for the tropics.
    Frequency: Twice per year
    Price: Free

    ISTF News

    Publisher: International Society of Tropical Foresters, 5400 Grosvenor Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814 USA
    Editor: Frank Wadsworth
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: "istf is dedicated to providing a communications network for tropical forestry disciplines." Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: US $20/year (includes ISTF membership. ISSN: 0276-2056

    Journal of Farming Systems Research-Extension

    Publisher: Association of Farming Sys. Research-Extension, 845 North Park Ave., University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85719 USA
    Editor: Timothy Frankenberger
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: "the purpose of the journal is to present multidisciplinary reports of on-farm research-extension work completed in the field, and discussions on methodology and other issues of interest to farming systems practitioners, administrators, and trainers."
    Frequency: Not indicated
    Price:US $60- institutions, $10 -individuals in LDCs

    Journal of Sustainable Agriculture

    Publisher: Food Product Press, The Haworth Press Inc., 10 Alice St., Binghamton, NY 13904 USA
    Editor: Raymond Poincelot
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: To examine ongoing and future agricultural systems and their relationship to the resource base and the environment. To promote the worldwide study and application of sustainable agriculture in the search for solutions to the problems of resource depletion and environmental damage.
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: US $24/year individual, $36 institutions, $48 library. ISSN: 1044-0046

    Organic Farmer

    Publisher: Rural Vermont 15 Barre Street Montpelier, VT 05602 USA
    Editor: Chris Wood
    Regional Focus: North America
    Purpose: "the organic farmer is committed to building communication and encouraging dialogue among organic farmers across the continent. our pages will provide a forum to educate and mobilize support for progressive farm and food policies, and to build a healthy, life-affirming agriculture."
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: $10.00/year

    Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter

    Publisher: International Board for Plant Genetic Resources--c/o FAO, Via delle Terme di ¨aracalla, 00100 Rome, ITALY
    Editor: J.T. Williams
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: Genetic resource management, collection, taxonomy and research summaries.
    Frequency: Bimonthly
    Price: Free


    Publisher: Kenya Energy and Environment, Organization (KENGO), P.O. Box 48197, Nairobi, KENYA
    Editor: Achoka Awori
    Regional Focus: Africa
    Purpose: "resources is a quarterly journal devoted to understanding and promoting the sustainable use of africaÕs natural resources."
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: US $20/year, Ksh70 in Kenya

    Rural Development in Practice

    Publisher: RWAL Publications, Lioyds Bank Chambers, 15 Devonshire Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, E. Sussex, TN40 1AH England
    Editor: Dr. T. Scarlett Epstein
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: "a participatory journal for the many people responsible for the planning/implementation of rural development projects and programs; the means to share experience and express their opinions. to communicate examples and experience, to analyze and compare project success and failure. to seek alternative practical solutions to current development problems. to provide an information and technology resource base for further reference for those engaged in rural development."
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: £UK25/year plus £4 postage. ISSN: 0954-8777

    Seed Sowers

    Publisher: Center for PVO/University, Collaboration in Development Bird Building, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723 USA
    Editor: Marilyn Jarisch
    Regional Focus: West Africa
    Purpose: SEED SOWERS is the newsletter of the On-Farm Seed Project. OFSP is designed to assist farmers at the local level in Senegal and The Gambia in adapting and using improved methods of seed production, harvesting, processing and storage.
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: Free
    Language: English and French

    Social Forestry Network

    Publisher: Overseas Development Institute, Social Forestry Program, RegentÕs College, Inner Circle, RegentÕs Park, London NW1 4NS ENGLAND
    Editor: Dr. Gill Shepherd
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: "the social forestry program reviews what is going on internationally in social forestry/agroforestry. through network members the research fellow is establishing a growing library of project and implementation case studies and other material difficult to obtain elsewhere. material is highlighting gaps in current knowledge. literature reviews and bibliographies are being published by the network."
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: Free to cooperating groups. ISSN: 0951-1849

    Sustainable Farming Quarterly

    Publisher: Alternative Energy Resources, Organization (AERO), 44 N. Last Chance Gulch, Helena, MT 59601 USA
    Editor: Sally Hilander
    Regional Focus: Northwestern USA
    Purpose: Current efforts in a six-state region which focus on low-input sustainable agriculture.
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: Free

    Sustainable Living in Drylands

    Publisher: Southwest Regional Permaculture Association, P.O. Box 27371, Tucson, AZ 85726 USA
    Editor: Jean Eisenhower
    Regional Focus: Southwestern USA
    Purpose: Desert restoration, multi-purpose tree crops, arid-zone horticulture and other related subjects. ŅPermaculture: the use of ecology as a basis for designing integrated systems of food production, housing and community development. Permaculture is built upon an ethic of caring for the earth and interacting with the environment in mutually beneficial ways.Ó
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: US $10/year

    The Land Report

    Publisher: The Land Institute, 2440 E. Water Well Road, Salina, KS 67401 USA
    Editor: Wes Jackson
    Regional Focus: North America
    Purpose: Long-range research on alternative farming systems, especially those modeled on natural grasslands . "the land institute is a non-profit educational research organization devoted to sustainable agriculture and good stewardship of the earth."
    Frequency: 3 times/year
    Price: US $6/year, $10 foreign


    Publisher: Gesti—n de ecosistemas asociaci—n civil (GDEAC), Apdo. postal 19-182, 03910 MEXICO, D.F.
    Editor: Dra. Silvia del Amo R.
    Regional Focus: Mexico and Central America
    Purpose: "to promote conservation of natural ecosystems through research and appropriate management of natural resources."
    Frequency: Quarterly
    Price: Not listed
    Language: Spanish


    Publisher: Developing Countries Farm Radio Network (DCFRN), 595 Bay St., 9th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C3, CANADA
    Editor: Elizabeth Wilson
    Regional Focus: Worldwide
    Purpose: Low-cost, easy-to-adapt agricultural technology, especially extension and comunication methods.
    Frequency: Occasional
    Price: Free to DCFRN Participants

    ...and last, but not least, our own sister newsletter in Senegal...


    Publisher: Rodale Institute, B.P. A237, Thi¸s, SENEGAL
    Editor: Vore G. Seck
    Regional Focus: Francophone West Africa
    Purpose: Information networking in regenerative farming methods appropriate for Sahelian agroclimatic zones.

    "entre nous est un bulletin bimestriel de liaison et d'ˇchange d'information dans le domaine de l'agriculture rˇgˇnetrice."
    Frequency: Bimonthly
    Price: US $10/year or FCFA 12000/year
    Language: French