Ethnoveterinary medicine, or veterinary anthropology, is the study of folk beliefs, knowledge, skills, methods, and practices about animal health care. Unfortunately much of this invaluable knowledge is rapidly being lost forever, replaced by western cures that are not always sustainable or appropriate. After conducting an interdisciplinary study of the subject, researchers at CIKARD (The Center for Indigenous Knowledge for Agriculture and Rural Development at Iowa State University) have compiled a 209-page annotated bibliography on ethnoveterinary medicine. This bibliography contains over 250 references, mostly pertaining to cattle, sheep, goats, or livestock in general, focusing on Africa, Latin America, and Asia.
A 48-page overview provides a syn-thesis of ethnoveterinary techniques, practices, and beliefs along with an analytical discussion of the information presented in annotations.
Topics include the definition, limitations, and applications of ethno-vet-erinary medicine; ethnomedical, etiological, and disease classification systems; different types of indigenous healers; every aspect of ethnoveterinary technique and practice-pharmacology, toxicology, vaccination, surgery husbandry; and methodologies for collecting all of this information.
A 28-page index is included.
Order from:
CIKARD, Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa 50011 U.S.A.
Price: $18.00. For domestic orders add $2.00 for postage and handling; add $3.00 for international orders.
ISBN 0-945271-16-6
This publication gives an account of research and empirical data involving plant-derived pesticides and repellants reported throughout the last few centuries. A useful guide for the practitioner, this book recalls the natural, traditional control of ectoparasites (flies, lice, fleas, ticks, and mites), and gives useful suggestions for experimentation. It details an intensive use of effective local resources, which are reasonably priced in comparison with synthetic pesticides. Particularly applicable for small-scale farming, these practices have the potential to reduce losses in animal husbandry and avoid detrimental repercussions to people and the environment of increasingly ineffective synthetic pesticides.
Order from:
UNIPUB, 4611 F. Assembly Drive
Lanham, MD 20706-4391, U.S.A.
Price: $25. ISBN 3-8236-1195-X
A new manual in the Agrodok/CTA series produced by Agromisa, written for beginning and experienced poultry raisers at the subsistence and commercial levels. This 50-page manual presents ways to maximize production with locally available resources at minimal cost.
Chapters cover chicken breeds, housing options and equipment, feed and health care, hatching and raising chicks, ways to improve local chickens, and poultry by-products. Basic construction plans for housing and equipment are provided. Attention is given to good farm management throughout the book, and a chapter is devoted to farm records.
Infectious diseases and feed deficiencies are listed in two tables, along with their symptoms and treatments. Forty-five suggested diets with specific proportions are given, using a wide range of ingredients.
There are four other titles in the Agrodok series related to livestock production:
Order from:
African, Caribbean, and Pacific countries:
P.O. Box 41
6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
(price per booklet: 7.50 Dfl)
P.O. Box 380, 6700 AJ
Wageningen, The Netherlands