As residential, commercial, and industrial development spreads into rural areas, agriculture and communities face new challenges. Farmers and residents everywhere deal with increasing pressure to protect our soils, air, and water, while maintaining and improving our food system and sustaining rural communities. Where farms and suburban areas meet, conflicts arise between homeowners and farmers concerning pesticide use, manure management, and other issues.
To help farmers, citizens, and policy makers address these challenges, Penn StateÕs College of Agricultural Sciences and the Rodale Institute teamed up in 1992 to establish the Penn State/Rodale Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources in Urbanizing Environments (SANRUE). SANRUEÕs mission is to sponsor and conduct research and education programs that focus on agricultural production and related areas such as rural/urban community issues in order to ensure that agriculture remains profitable, environmentally sound, socially acceptable, and energy efficient in an urbanizing environment. SANRUEÕs programs in research, education, and public policy are committed to ensuring a safe and plentiful food supply while sustaining farms and helping rural and urban communities to work together.
SANRUE's programs benefit from the combined strengths of research and teaching programs at Penn State University and regenerative agriculture leadership at the Rodale Institute.
SANRUE-Funded Projects
SANRUE programs are funded by state and federal governments, private
foundations, corporations, and interested citizens. SANRUEÕs current research and education activities are funded in part by the U. S. Department of AgricultureÕs Cooperative State Research Education, and Extension Service, the USDA Agricultural Research Service, and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation.
Some of the projects funded by SANRUE include:
- Advanced integrated pest management for apple production
- Community systems to sustain agriculture in urbanizing environments
- Demonstration and evaluation of on-farm compost production and utilization
- Economic evaluation of sustainable agricultural systems on the rural/urban fringe
- Food system education through the use of study circles
- Soil nutrient effects on crop and root growth dynamics in vegetable
production systems
- Regional Infrastructure for Sustaining Agriculture (RISA)
Penn State University/Rodale Institute
Herbert Cole, Penn State University
Jonathon Landeck, Rodale Institute
The SANRUE Board, which
provides guidance on policy and operations, is headed by:
Co-chair: John Haberern, president of the Rodale Institute
Co-chair: Lamartine F. Hood, dean of Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences
George Bird, professor of Nematology, Michigan State University
Wayne Schutjer, associate dean of Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences
For more information, contact:
Herbert Cole
College of Agricultural Sciences
The Pennsylvania State University
211 Buckout Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802
Telephone (814)863-7235
FAX (814)863-7217
Jonathon Landeck
Rodale Institute
611 Siegfriedale Road
Kutztown, PA 19530
Telephone (610)683-1429
FAX (610)683-8548