Breeding status
Totally in different years more then 525 nests of SSE are accounted.
More than 60 characteristics both the nests and surrounded habitats
were used for nests' description.
Living nests were concentrated exectly along narrow river basin
and were sometimes just 200 m from each other. Totally at Elovka were estimated
58 living nest per 100 km and 48 living
nest per 100 km were account at North-west (absolutely it was 29 nest at Elovka
and 39 nest at north-west). In compared, at east coast we
estimated 15 living nest per 100 km.
Kamchatka river basin has a low density of eagle population due to high
level of different kinds of human activity. Totally, about 45 pairs of eagles (both
SSE and WSE) nesting here.
breeding: - status
- distribution
wintering: - status
- distribution