Available photo stories
Our files cover landscapes and wildlife issues from Russia, mostly Kamchatka peninsula.
They are the result of our 20 years of fieldwork on the most wild hidden area in the world.
We license images for editorial and commercial use. Please contact us if you have any specific photo needs.
100 Black and White photographs of sacred life of brown bear
25 years experience of field filming and living with brown bears at Kamchatka Peninsula, Russian Far East
by Vitaliy Nikolaenko
Men who speaking with bears (video)
by Vitaliy Nikolaenko
Nest in foggy (Book)
10 years experience of living with an Steller's eagle in wild
by Alexander Ladyguin
Kamchatka from the above (Book)
10 years experience of flying above Kamchatka
by Alexey Mazlov
New Year Eruption
Photo Essay, 2-01-1999 eruption of Karumskiy volkanoe
by Alexey Maslov
Kamchatka - the remains of Eden on the Earth (Book)
by Alexander Ladygin
Sea birds and mammals of Russian Far East (Book)
by Yuri Arthukhin, Vladimir Burkanov
Commandor's Islands (Book)
by Yuri Arthukhin
Black suite is required for married flibuster
Photo Essay about life cycle of Steller's sea eagle written by scientist
by Alexander Ladyguin
For further information about Ecophoto photos and stories, please contact us at ladygin@rc.ru