Russian |

Vorobyovy Gory, Moscow,
Scientific Park, MSU, Building 1,
119899, Russia,
(095) 930-89-52, 930-89-63
E-Mail: admin@fadr.msu.ru
Resource tytle: Canadian International Development Agency official web site |
Client: ACDI-CIDA |
Launching date:15.05.2002 |
Short description: Canadian International Development Agency. Russian programm office. Site available in English, Russian and French versions.
URL: http://www.acdi-cida.ru |
Resource tytle: Dashteam official web-site |
Client: Dashteam project |
Launching date:23.04.2002 |
Short description: Dashteam-project corporative site. Two language - Russian and English version - avaialble. The company is specialised in the industrial design.
URL: http://www.dashteam.com/ |
Resource tytle: Agrorus - on-line catalogue of rural Internet-resources |
Client: FADR |
Launching date: 29.11.1998 |
Short description: Specialized catalogue of russian agroresources on the Net "Agrorus" is a project of the Foundation for Agrarian Development Research (FADR). Development of the catalogue, originally supported by Eurasia Foundation, was started in 1997. Since then, Agrorus came to be the most authoritative source of information on the agricultural resources in the russian sector of the Internet. The catalogue is integrated in the FADR information system, which unites Russia's most popular agricultural resources.
URL: http://www.agrorus.ru |
Resource tytle Children's Ecological Cooperation Network |
Client: Institute of Soil Science Moscow State University |
Launching date: 20.12.1999 |
Short description: The Ecological Cooperation Project is the first large-scale children's network project in Russia. This project was founded on the principles of development and achievement of widespread nature awareness among Russian school children through the establishment and unification of numerous children’s ecological projects.
URL: http://www.ecocoop.ru |
Resource tytle Save Nature |
Client: Institute of Soil Science Moscow State University |
Launching date: 20.04.2001 |
Short description: "Save Nature" ecological Programm supported by US AID in 2001.
URL: http://www.ecocoop.ru/save_nature/ |
Resource tytle Distance Education |
Client: Institute of Soil Science Moscow State University |
Launching date: 10.10.2000 |
Short description: Very friendly system
URL: http://www.fadr.msu.ru/elearning/ |
Resource tytle International Congress of Industrials and Businessmens |
Client: International Congress of Industrials and Businessmen, corporative site |
Launching date: 20.03.1999 |
Short description: International organisation united world-wide business people.
URL: At the moment site is unavailable |
Resource tytle EuroCave - elite vine cabinet |
Client: EuroCave Russian distributor |
Launching date: 15.06.2000 |
Short description: On-line catalogue of EuroCave vine cabinets.
URL: http://www.eurocave-russia.com |
Resource tytle On-line stock of wildlife photographs |
Client: FIAR project |
Launching date: 12.01.1997 |
Short description: On-line photo-stock. About 2000 original wildlife photographs are available. On-line order possible.
URL: http://www.fadr.msu.ru/ecophoto/ |
Resource tytle Exibition "Modern city design" |
Client: Ìóíèöèïàëüíîå óíèòàðíîå ïðåäïðèÿòèå (ÌÓÏ) "ÏÎÊËÎÍÍÀß ÃÎÐÀ" |
Launching date: 29.05.1999 |
Short description: Corporative site of annual exibition.
URL: Site design was updated by client |
Resource tytle Help orphans! |
Client: Charity-school "Lomonosovskiy" |
Launching date: 19.10.1997 |
Short description: Official site of Moscow charity-school for orphans.
URL: http://fadr.msu.ru/priut/ |
Resource tytle International Working Group for the Steller's Eagle Conservation "O-Washi-net" |
Client: International Working Group for the Steller's Eagle Conservation "O-Washi-net" |
Launching date: 12.04.2000 |
Short description: Official site of International Working Group for the Steller's Eagle Conservation
URL: http://fadr.msu.ru/o-washinet/ |
Resource tytle International Conference on Soil's degradation and desertification |
Client:Institute of Soil Science Moscow State University |
Launching date: 29.11.1999 |
Short description: Official site of science conference.
URL: http://www.fadr.msu.ru/desert/index.html |
Resource tytle Rural journalists club |
Client: Rural journalists club |
Launching date: 15.09.2000 |
Short description: Official site of Moscow journalists club.
URL: http://www.fadr.msu.ru/agroclub/ |
Copyright © 1996-2002, FADR |