FADR has considerable experience in the management of International and Russian Grants. FADR projects are funded by US AID, Eurasia Foundation, Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow University, etc.
In 1994-1997 FADR received and fulfilled the objectives of the "Networking Support Project", funded by USAID and World Learning (Sub-grant Agreement with World Learning, Inc. No NIS-2022-00-30). FADR received a positive evaluation by both World Learning and USAID from this collaboration.
In 1996-1997 and 1998-1999 FADR work was funded by EURASIA FOUNDATION within grants M96-0823 "Internet Resources for Agrarian Development and Non-Governmental Organizations" and M98-2035 "Internet-Agro" . Both projects
In 1997-2002 FADR together with it's Canadian partner - Developing Countries Farm Radio Network (DCFRN) - is doing a project "Rural Information Network" (CIDA project #Z10121/Commitment #208517), being funded by CIDA. In 2001 the project successfully passed independent International evaluation.
FADR has also worked successfully under the guidelines established by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grants:
In 1994-1995 FADR received and fulfilled the objectives of a grant entitled "Information system for agrarian development research ( N 94-07-20444).
In 1996 FADR staff was involved in Establishing a Local Area Network (LAN) in the Moscow State University Soil Science and Biological Departments Building according to the Grant N 96-07-89228.
The FADR accounting system operates in complete accordance to the present Russian Laws and the international requirements.